Since 2011, the Water Environment Federation (WEF; Alexandria, Virginia) has published the Stormwater Report to bring readers comprehensive coverage of the trends, techniques, and technologies shaping the stormwater management sector. To commemorate the 10th anniversary of Stormwater Report, we have overhauled the site.
The new Stormwater Report offers a smoother user experience as well as additional opportunities for participation from readers, many of whom are stormwater experts themselves. What has not changed is our commitment to sharing news relevant to the stormwater sector with integrity and professionalism. As always, readers can expect at least one new article on the site each week, as well as a monthly email digest of Stormwater Report delivered to their inboxes.
Read on for details about your refreshed Stormwater Report site.
Smoother User Experience
Finding information relevant to your specific segment of the stormwater profession has never been easier.
Previously, all Stormwater Report articles were arranged chronologically. Now, in addition to featuring the latest articles near the top of the page, the site also includes an index of the top six most popular topics. These topics run the gamut of the stormwater profession, from new regulatory policies to notable stormwater infrastructure projects and everything in between.
The new site also features two additional categories: Featured Products and From the WEF Stormwater Institute.
The Featured Products section acts as a narrowly tailored online marketplace where stormwater equipment manufacturers and service providers can introduce new offerings with the potential to improve how your organization operates. This section will bring you a basic overview of each Featured Product and links to manufacturers’ websites for more details. Featured Products will rotate monthly to keep the section’s offerings relevant, timely, and innovative as stormwater management technology evolves. Learn more about the Featured Products section.
While Stormwater Report has covered several major developments from the WEF Stormwater Institute since its establishment in 2015, the site has never offered readers an easy way to keep up-to-date with WEF Stormwater Institute activities. The new Stormwater Report features the From the WEF Stormwater Institute section, which will be updated regularly with news relevant to Institute subscribers, as well as the stormwater sector as a whole. Visit the new From the WEF Stormwater Institute section.
We’ve also made some functional changes. For example, the main navigation menu now follows you as you scroll to enable easy navigation from any portion of any page. You will have quick access to the search function, site information, and policies, links to related sites, and more.
Seeking Your Expertise
Stormwater Report relies on the expertise of its readers to maximize its value as a professional resource. The site always has printed editorials from subject matter experts and practicing stormwater professionals.

Now, we have added clear, documented guidelines for submitting articles and topics to Stormwater Report. This Contribute page will provide you with the opportunity to share your knowledge and experience with others.
Additionally, the site features numerous new ways for advertisers to connect with their customers. Complementing the new Featured Products section are several new advertising opportunities, including new formats for webpage ads and monthly newsletter ads. Visit the new Advertise page for more details.
The Stormwater Report editorial team welcomes your suggestions, questions, and other feedback to ensure the site remains your go-to stormwater news resource. Please direct comments or concerns to Stormwater Report Editor Justin Jacques at
Justin Jacques is editor of Stormwater Report and a staff member of the Water Environment Federation (WEF). In addition to writing for WEF’s online publications, he also contributes to Water Environment & Technology magazine. Contact him at