In early November, the Idaho Supreme Court ruled the city of Lewiston’s stormwater fee unconstitutional because it qualified as a hidden tax, as it was not previously authorized by the Idaho legislature. The fee — levied in 2008 — was based on impervious surface area. However in 2009, a local state college, port, school district, irrigation district, and Nez Perce County filed a lawsuit against Lewiston. In Idaho, local governments cannot tax one another, so by classifying the stormwater fee as a tax, the plaintiffs would not have to pay.
The ruling was made in part because the Idaho Supreme Court classified the fee as revenue-generating and because the city charged property owners regardless of whether they used the stormwater system.
Storm water tax–If the rivers can not take the out flow–then stop issuing building permits or worse restricting river flows by poor engineering bridges and building on flood plain lands ++++.